Redesign Exteriors with AI, in Less than 30 Seconds

Upload your photo, choose a mode and pick from over 75 design styles. Reimagine Any Home Interior, Exterior, or Garden using AI.



Our members are generating thousands of ideas every day with Artificial Intelligence.

18447+ PRO


Private users and companies are using our solution to save time & money.

75+ Design 


New styles added every month. You can request any custom design style.

167+ Countries

The leading AI-powered design tool used daily around the globe.


Bring your home to life with AI Use HomeDesignsAI to redesign any home in seconds: AI decoration, AI Interior Design, Exterior AI, Landscaping AI, House AI.

Empowerment for Homeowners:

Homeowners can take charge of their own space, experimenting with designs and visualizing changes before committing. This ensures they achieve a home that truly resonates with their personal style and preferences, all while saving on consultation fees.

Tailored Solutions for Professionals:

Whether you're an architect, interior designer, or home builder, HomeDesigns AI offers specialized tools and features to cater to your specific needs, ensuring your projects stand out.

Enhanced Property Showcasing for Realtors:

Realtors can virtually stage properties, giving potential buyers a realistic view of the property's potential, leading to quicker sales and higher offers.

Interactive Catalog for E-Commerce:

E-commerce stores selling construction materials or furniture can integrate HomeDesigns AI to allow customers to visualize products in a real-world setting, enhancing the shopping experience and boosting sales.

Garden & Landscape Visualization:

Gardeners and landscapers can bring their designs to life, allowing clients to see the transformation of outdoor spaces before any work begins.

Custom Furniture Integration:

Furniture makers can showcase their pieces in various settings, helping customers visualize how it would fit and look in their own homes, leading to increased customer satisfaction and sales.


Achieve professional-level designs without the hefty price tag of traditional interior designers.


Quick design generation means projects can be completed faster.

Personalized Designs:

Every design is tailored to the user's preferences, ensuring uniqueness.

Easy Revisions:

Make changes on the fly without the need for multiple meetings or consultations.

Stay Updated:

With AI, always stay in tune with the latest design trends and innovations.

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